The Great American Hot Dog!
but...which one...
"You can't screw up a good hot dog," one sports fan told me. "if it's good to eat, then it's good to eat on a hot dog." Take this advice and experiment a little. If you like sweet, add chopped pineapple, mango salsa, and honey dijon mustard to make a savory Hawaiian Dog. If you like hot, add peppers and hot sauce until you build the Unforgettable Nuclear Dog. And the Boston fans can stick it in the face of Yankee fans by skipping the Coney Island Dog to build a Chicago Dog (see recipe below)!
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American Pasttime!
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Chicago Hot Dog
Chicago is a great food town known around the world for its hot dogs. While the city is also famous for its deep dish pizza and Italian beef sandwiches, the hot dog is one of Chicago's great contributions to the food world. While there are many hot dog options, this recipe for a grilled Chicago Dog tops them all.
​Makes 8 servings
Total Time 30 minutes
8 all-beef hot dogs (butterfly by sliding a knife halfway through the length of the weiner)
8 Tbsp.yellow mustard
8 Tbsp. Sweet green pickle relish
8 Tbsp. chopped onions
8 dill pickle spears
1 tomato - sliced into thin quarters
16 sport peppers
8 steamed poppy-seed hot dog buns
Celery salt
Hot dogs are created to be grilled! You may be tempted to boil, broil, bake, steam, fry, or microwave your hot dogs, but do not fall for the temptation. Hot Dogs are created to be grilled 8 - 10 minutes, or until heated throughout. When done, set aside and begin building the infrastructure for your Chicago Dog.
The Chicago Dog is unique in its requirements for a thoughtful and orderly construction. A chili cheese dog doesn't require much thought as long as the chili and cheese are good enough when combined to create a delicious mess. Spread the yellow mustard on the bottom of the bun first, followed in order by pickle relish, chopped onions, and hot dog. The narrow part of the pickle spear will fit nicely into the open side of the butterflied hot dog. Nestle the tomato wedges and sport pepper in the sides of the hot dog and sprinkle with a dash of celery salt.